A woman finishes work late at night, she goes down to the carpark, looks around, she feels unsettled for no particular reason. She gets into the car, fastens her seatbelt, checks her petrol gauge etc., it's full. So she starts driving. Outside it's dark, she's driving through an isolated path . Then she realises that her fuel's empty, she doesn't understand because she'd checked them before. She stops at the nearest petrol station. There she fills up her tank and then goes inside to pay. She then gets back into her car and drives off. In the car she reaches to the backseat (where she had left her purse), with her eyes on the road. She then stops suddenly, there's a closeup to her eyes which open wide. Then alongside a sudden sound effect it goes to a black scene, silence and then a very loud scream as the title comes up.

My second idea is a political thriller, it's about a hidden message transmitted by the tv and radio which people can't hear with their bare ears but registers into their brains either way. These messages contain information that changes peoples votes, political, racist and religious views, and also there are some major companies that use this method to sell products.
The title sequence starts with a recording tape (sound: the dialogue of the hidden message), we follow the tape into a studio where the sound changes into the commercial, programme etc that people think they're watching. Finally we come out of a tv in an empty living room. The camera then zooms out the window showing an isolated yet extremely corrupted city, with offensive graphitis on the walls, burning buildings, and some people lying shot on the floor. Then we see a man throw a flaming bottle and cuts to the title of the movie (which will be a positive name), in flames.
The Reeling:
There's a strange calling that certain people can hear which is a creepy song sung by children. The people who hear it get into some sort of trance and start walking away from what they were originally doing (sleeping, working etc.) We see shots of different people who hear the reeling (ex: a husband and wife sleeping, the man gets up and leaves while the woman continues to sleep). In the end about 70 people (in trance) meet in a common spot where they commit suicide all together in a mysterious way.